Meet the Seventh Son

Estate Vines


Montepulciano is the premier grapevine of Abruzzo on central Italy’s east coast. The warm summers, rolling hills and limestone cliffs make a convincing analog to our Wimberley Valley. Montepulciano is one of the later varieties to ripen.  Our vines are prolific, so crop and canopy management is key.


Mourvèdre is one of the many blending grapes from the French southern Rhone Valley. Late to bud-break and late to ripen, it is typically the last of our varieties to harvest.  Upright shoots and well spaced internodes make crop canopy management relatively easy.


Tempranillo, from Spain and Portugal, is one of the growing success stories for Texas grape growers.  We anticipate Texas Tempranillos to continue to expand and attract evermore fans. First to bud-break, first to fruit set, and first to ripen, Tempranillo is our alarm clock at Seventh Son.

Picpoul Blanc

Picpoul Blanc, another from France’s southern Rhone Valley, is a relative newcomer to Texas.  This variety loves our limestone, our lousy dirt and the hot Hill Country summer. Another prolific vine, crop management is key to a quality harvest.